Little Known Things For Making Moving Easier

Moving can be a big chore and sometimes stressful even if you are a super organized individual. While there is no way to completely remove any of the stress, there are some things you can do to make the process go smoother. Here are some tips:

Make a checklist

Creating a list of action items will help quantify all that is needed to be done and will help you stay on schedule. This should include tasks like packing, cleaning, setting up utilities, scheduling movers, etc. Put things in chronological order too so you can process each step in an organized way.

Change your address early on

Getting this done early on will help you stay organized and avoid missing any late payments or snafus. It is a wise idea to make your list of places to update like mail, credit cards, DMV, etc. 

Use appropriate packing materials

Make sure to use proper packing with your belongings. You can be creative and use old blankets and the like that you already own in lieu of those you purchase or rent from movers, but don’t use things like basic trash bags that can easily rip and damage your belongings. Invest in boxes, packing tape and bubble wrap for fragile items. This will save you headaches in the long run.

Donate or sell items

There is no better time to do a purge of unnecessary belongings than when moving. There is no sense in spending time packing or paying movers to relocate items you no longer need or are broken. Think about donating unwanted items or even selling them to help fund your move.

Label boxes

Be sure you do some simple labeling of what your contents are inside of your boxes. It is important for both you and your movers to have first the room that it goes in and then a description of the items inside. Ex. “Kitchen, dishes.”

Copy important papers

It’s never a bad idea to make a copy of important documents before your move. Copy things like passports, birth certificates and the like are good to have a duplicate of just in case it takes a while to locate them after moving. 

Hire professional movers

Some of us have family and friends that can assist us with our moves, but these contacts aren’t professionals. Avoid having anything broken or anyone getting injured and get some estimates from professional movers. There are different tiers of what you can have them do too so you can find what is right for your budget. Shop around and save.

Pack moving day bag

Pack one bag for your essentials to have on hand for moving day. A change of clothes, medications, toiletries, copies of documents, phone charger and the like are just a few ideas of what you should have on your person that day.


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